If I were a blog post, I would be this one

if I were a river, I would be… the Rhine.
if I were a colour, I would be… magenta.
if I were a work of art, I would be… The Book of Secrets.
if I were one of the five sense, I would be… smell.

if I were an animal, I would be… a human.
if I were a word, I would be… “sirocco”.
if I were a fictional character, I would be… Arthur Dent.
if I were a deadly sin I would besloth.

The Book of Secrets.

And now, most exquisite Reader, why won’t you describe yourself in a similar fashion?

Picture credit: Marta Bevacqua.

Edited for grammar on 19. September.

About the quiet one

I ain't never ever had the gift of gab, but I can talk with my eyes. Words fail me, you won't nail me, my eyes can tell you lies. View all posts by the quiet one

7 responses to “If I were a blog post, I would be this one

  • if I were… « casa az

    […] seen at and swiped from The Quiet One ~ LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Origin", "other"); […]

  • azahar

    Did this over on my blog too!

    if I were a river, I would be… the Nile.
    if I were a colour, I would be… crimson.
    if I were a work of art, I would be… Cafe Terrace at Night.
    if I were one of the five senses, I would be… sight.

    if I were an animal, I would be… a cat.
    if I were a word, I would be… “happenstance”.
    if I were a fictional character, I would be… Nora Charles.
    if I were a deadly sin I would be… pride.

  • Bel

    Nice ones, where did you get them from? Did you come up with the answers all by yourselves?

    • the quiet one

      Finding the questions was the tricky bit: browsing the web gives you a sea of possible questions, and then I just had to keep a few, not too many and not too few, which give a balanced and fun portrait. For example, “which monument in London are you” is not interesting, because too specific. Or putting five geography questions and three others would be unbalanced. But basically you can pick the questions you like, which is a feature I like.
      But the answers, I thought them up by myself. It can be fun to draw someone else’s portrait in this fashion though 😀
      So, what about your answers?

  • The blue lotus « The Quiet One

    […] (well, not quite: I couldn’t login, causing a delay in publication of last week’s Chinese portrait). Amusingly, while the moving medical stories of Dr Jaddo [fr] were unaccessible, I could browse […]

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